Negative. My mammo was negative!!!!!!!! The lump in my armpit turned out to be (ugh) a blackhead under my skin. Can you guys believe that? I lost sleep over a blackhead. I was in shock and awe (lol) when the Radiologist announced it. That being said, hats off to the radiology clinic for having the mammo suite. Since this was my first, I am not yet used to these things. I was ushered into the warmest room complete with candles, confectionaries and soft radio playing in the background. I guess a lot of nervous women walk in there, so kudos for them trying to keep us sane. I was thoroughly impressed, more so than even the RE's office. Great Job guys!
Secondly, yesterday I went in to my doc for a routine EKG (I know, what the hell is routine about that?!) because on top of my other assorted medical problems, I have high blood pressure. Well, Doctor Primary told me it was abnormal and I had to 1. have a ton of bloodwork done (we all know how I feel about bloodwork) and 2. See a cardiologist asap. I was so disturbed by that I couldn't even blog about it to tell everyone. I was like "Are you fucking kidding me?" He wasn't. So, on top of my mammo and sono, I had to wake up at the butt crack of dawn and have 4 tubes of blood drawn. Then go have the mmao and sono and then follow that with a Cardiologist visit. The vampire at the blood drawing center found a vein without a problem, which was good cause I was in such a bad mood over this blood in the first place, I would have stabbed her in the neck with the needle had she missed it. (kidding!) The Cardiologist said my bp was normal and to come back for a stress test which I scheduled for May. (I need time to work out to run on that treadmill! LOL)
Out of the four things I did today, three were ok. Now I am waiting on blood results. Trying not to freak, because of Obi-Wan and his wisdom. I am guessing if something was SEVERELY wrong they would have called today with abnormals. (crossing fingers) Will keep all posted on blood test results.
I really am making headway in this non-worrying department. I'm trying and also, I'm just giving things to God. I'm ashamed to say that I normally don't just "give" things to God, I try to sort them out myself and make my way on my own. This past week, I just finally gave in and said "OK God, this is yours. I'm giving this to you because I just can't take it anymore" Well, the big guy came through big time.
I feel like this speed bump on the road of my life is making me stronger. All of a sudden, Follistim isn't so scary and the Progesterone needles don't seem that big. I have renewed hope and a lot more courage. I'm starting to believe again that maybe (just maybe) I will have that baby after all.