Thursday, March 02, 2006


You ever get the feeling you're being watched? I do...I think my friends found my blog. Is there no privacy?! AGGGHHHH!! Well, all I can say is this isn't for them to read, as I don't read THEIR diaries, so if they've stumbled upon it and saw something they didn't like, then too dang bad. This is my blog, not theirs. I hate stupid people.

Nothing else much to report today. We had about 5 inches of snow and the roads were ick. People get retarded driving in the snow and nothing annoys me more than 4 wheel drives and SUV's that think they have carte blanche in the snow!! Hello people, you're vehicle has a rollbar BUILT in for a reason dumbass!! You are not exempt from slipping and sliding like everyone else. Shit, I'm probably better off, cause I'm closer to the ground. LOL If something should go wrong, I don't have that far to fall. :)

I'm feeling better cold wise. I was so worked up over my upcoming mammo, I didn't even realize that in the interim, my cold went away. Sheesh. Enough of me and my boring self. I'm gonna go to bed early and get a good nights sleep. I'm pooped!



Blogger soralis said...

Sorry to hear that your 'safe place' has been invaded.

Take care

11:15 AM  
Blogger x said...

The weather was awful yesturday. The same storm went through Southern Ontario and New York.

Friends that go searching for blogs suck. One friend knows I have the blog but she know's it's hands off (not sure she could find it if she tried). Hubbie knows but I trust him not to look. If he does, he better not tell me!

2:03 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I think I have a friend who recently found my blog as well, but has said nothing about it. I don't mind too much that she found it (though it is sad that I will have to be extra careful with my words at times), but I wish she wouldn't keep it a secret from me.

Glad to hear that you're feeling better!

3:17 AM  

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