Saturday, February 25, 2006

Getting better I think

Starting to feel a little better. The phlegm (I know, eeew) is just making me cough and keeping me up at night. UGH!!

Today I did a lot of running around. I took a lot of steps to fight this whole identity theft thing so hopefully all these steps will start clearing up the issues.

My friends invited me to a hour before I needed to be ready. LOL At least they asked right? Truthfully, if I wasn't still all stuffly, I would have gone. (though it seems a tad brisk outside!)

Right now I am sipping black tea with lemon and honey hoping that these tried and true cures really do work. Monday is my annual pap... (I'm overdue!!) so I'm not looking forward to that. It's been like 2 years since my last one. I know, I should know better. It just seems like with all the people that see me nekkid and probe me south of the border that things should be ok. LOL Better safe than sorry I guess.

I can't wait for this cold to go poof cause I was doing so well on an eating plan.. (I'm in diet denial, it's an "eating plan") But right now, since I've been feeling so rotten I've been wanting (and getting) all comfort foods. I hope to God to be thin one of these days. I relly have a lot of potential. I hear all the time "but you have such a pretty face". That makes my blood boil over. I want to be like "WTF is THAT supposed to mean?!" Of course, I usually say nothing and smile and do the whole polite thing. When people have been pissing me off lately, I've been inclined to say "This is SO going in the blog!" No one seems that scared though. LOL Ah well, I can try to scare them. I am gonna go googling and see what kinds of neat things I can incorporate into my blog...I may be back!



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