OK, so the bad luck keeps coming. I'll make it short so I can move on to more exciting things. I had an emergency root canal today and my face hurts. I missed yet another day of work, so that sucks.
The doctor definitely found the pregnancy was stuck in my left fallopian tube. I had a shot of something or the other (I wont even attempt to spell it) and that is supposed to dissolve :( the pregnancy. I guess the good news is I CAN get pregnant, but just cant seem to make the darn thing stick.
So, what else? I think I am attempting weight loss starting Monday. As I was laying in bed moaning (for no good reason lol) after my root canal, I heard a commercial playing for Kirstie Alley, well apparently she just isn't a fat actress anymore. Whoop dee doo, if I was some bazillionaire who didn't have to work or cook or clean and some company was giving my free food I would probably lose 50 lbs too! I'm not bitter or anything. LOL
Today is the first day of Fall, Eeeewww! All my friends are looking forward to the cooler weather but I think it blows. I like the warm, even hot weather. I've been thinking a lot of Southern California lately, it must be so great to live there in the near perfect temperature all year round...but then there is that whole earthquake thing, and that I can live without.
Hurricane Rita is kicking the crap out of the gulf coast. I'm praying for those people. Stay Strong! Tomorrow, back to work. I'm sure I'll be fine, suffering a m/c and root canal. This is a test...this is only a test. My real life will be online soon, I'm sure of it.