Monday, January 16, 2006

New Year

I can't believe I haven't posted since October! What a crazy last 2 months of the year. Let's see... What happened? I gotta say not much! Celebrated my 3* birthday (LOL) and started fertility again. Well, it didn't work for the 2nd half of the year, but we DID start again this year. I have been getting shots of Follistim for the past 10 days and guess what? 13 eggs. I know, I almost fell on the floor myself. Doc said don't count your eggs before they're fertilized. LOL

Other than that, which has been taking up a majority of my time, work has been good. We had our holiday party a couple of days ago and I got a little drunk. OK, a lot drunk. BUT I didn't puke (always a bonus) and danced my butt off. I shook my money maker as one of my coworkers so eloquently put it. LOL

I've decided not to share any of my fertility issues with any of my friends. It is just too important to me and if I feel blown off then it just hurts. It's better this way. I am not punishing my friends by not telling them, I'm just saving myself. I say this because last month during my 2 week waiting period (which was hell) It was hard to explain to friends who have children. OF COURSE to them I'm over reacting, I'm trying to hard, If I took it easy then the baby would just come. SHUTUP already. Gimme a freakin break. Uh oh, the anger is coming out. Squash it Mish... Breathe....OK I'm good now. :)

Today I'm off for Martin Luther King Day. I'm going to clean up a bit and try to get my life in order. Wednesday is our insemination, so that day I just want to relax in my clean home and not worry about anything. I'll keep everyone posted!


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